Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions
By registering for any of our courses, series, designations, certifications, or purchasing any of our marketing products, you are agreeing unconditionally to the following terms and conditions:
A. Payment
Access to course material or to products will be offered when the full payment or first payment of an installment series is received. Should further payment in an installment payment series not be forthcoming from the purchaser, we at Age-Friendly Business®, reserve the right to remove access to that material. Individuals registering for the Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA)® designation or businesses registering for the Certified Age-Friendly Business (CAFB)®, or Membership in the Age-Friendly Business Alliance program can make single lump sum payments or can elect to pay through a specific installment payment plan. Should an individual or a company complete all the training requirements for their program while still making installment payments, they can start using the respective designation/certification publicly even if the installments payment series have not been fully completed.
B. Refunds
Refunds will be considered within the first 30 days of purchase. Only those modules not completed will be eligible for refund within this time frame. Once a refund has been processed, the individual will no longer have access to content associated with the refunded product.
C. Members in Good Standing
In order to maintain the use of Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA)® designation, access course materials and business building support materials, the member must keep their on-going membership fees up to date, remit satisfactory annual disclosure statements, and continue to agree to abide by the Age-Friendly Business® Professional Code of Standards (Professional Code). The first renewal is due twelve months following the date of successful completion of the CPCA designation course, and is due each year thereafter.
Failure to meet the above criteria will result in forfeiture of the membership with Age-Friendly Business and the use of CPCA designation.
In order to continue to be held out as a Member of the Age-Friendly Business® Alliance or Certified Age-Friendly Business (CAFB)®, continue to access course materials and business building support materials, the business/service must keep their on-going fees up to date, remit satisfactory disclosure statements, and continue to agree to abide by the Age-Friendly Business® Code of Service (Service Code).
Failure to meet the above criteria will result in forfeiture of the membership with Age-Friendly Business and the use of the CAFB Certification.
D. Reinstatement of a Lapsed/Inactive Membership Status
We at Age-Friendly Business® understand changes in business circumstances may cause a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA)®, Member of the Age-Friendly Business® Alliance, or a Certified Age-Friendly Business (CAFB)® to lapse their membership with our organization, and at a future date to request reinstatement of their membership. Members are welcome to apply to have their membership made active again.
CPCA Reinstatement
Age-Friendly Business® will consider reinstatement of a lapsed CPCA member who makes such a request within the following parameters:
Membership reinstatement request within 6 months of the membership being made ‘inactive.’
In order for the CPCA membership to be reinstated, the member must submit a current declaration of the annual disclosure form, meet the Board Standards requirements for membership, agree to abide by the Code of Professional Responsibility, and remit the annual renewal fee with applicable taxes.
If the request to reactivate the membership takes place within and up to a maximum of six months from the date of their membership status being declared as ‘inactive,’ and if the member meets the reinstatement criteria identified in the previous paragraph, then their membership will be treated as being continuous from the lapsed/inactive date.
Request to reinstate CPCA membership where the membership has been inactive for more than six months.
Once the above six month period of grace has expired, the ex-CPCA may still apply to reinstate their Membership, and must meet the reinstatement criteria referenced above. If the application to make their CPCA membership active again is accepted, the membership will not be considered as continuous, and a new ‘member since’ date will be established.
Age-Friendly Business Alliance and CAFB Reinstatement
Age-Friendly Business® will reinstate a Member of the Age-Friendly Business Alliance or Certified Age-Friendly Business (CAFB) within the following parameters:
Membership reinstatement request within 6 months of the original membership being made ‘inactive.’
In order for Alliance or CAFB membership to be reinstated, the business must ensure that at least 75% of their current employees have completed the ‘Foundation Course,’ must submit a current declaration of the annual disclosure form, meet the Board Standards requirements for membership, agree to abide by the Code of Service, and remit the annual renewal fee with applicable taxes.
If the request to reactivate the membership takes place within and up to a maximum of six months from the date of their membership status being declared as ‘inactive,’ and if the business meets the reinstatement criteria identified in the previous paragraph, then their membership will be treated as being continuous from the lapsed/inactive date.
Request to reinstate Alliance or CAFB membership where the membership has been inactive for more than six months.
Once the above six month period of grace has expired, the ex-member may still apply to reinstate their Membership, and must meet the reinstatement criteria referenced above. If the application to make their membership active again is accepted, the membership will not be considered as continuous, and a new ‘member since’ date will be established.
E. Board of Standards
A Board of Standards (the Board) operating at arm’s length to the administration of Age-Friendly Business® was established to help maintain the integrity of the designation and certifications. The Board is mandated to receive and review complaints from the public regarding the behaviour and activities of an active member. The Board investigates the complaint to determine if the Professional Code or the Service Code has been violated by the member. The Board has the authority to dismiss the complaint with no further action; make procedural and administrative recommendations to the member; temporarily suspend members and their use of the designation or certification; or to permanently revoke membership and use of the designation or certification. The determinations of the Board of Standards are final and the Board Members are indemnified from any retaliatory actions.